I have had this debate with a couple of people, but what has forced me to write this post is something a friend of mine posted on Orkut - "TZP for Oscars"
TZP for Oscars? I mean TZP for the Oscars? Really??? That's how good it is? Well....
Firstly, I will say something in praise of the film. It's well made, with scenes that will appeal to children and parents. But that's all there is to it.
In terms of originality... well, there have been many such movies made before, in India and abroad. Only, they weren't directed by a superstar, hence didn't/don't get the attention needed. Why wasn't Parzania sent for the Oscars? It was also well made, had a more "non-cliched" story.
A few critical points:
1. Dialogues in the movie are partially lifted from another movie called Dead Poet's Society [a story about a new professor who changes the way things are taught and is loved by his students, Robin Williams ala Amir Khan]
2. Scenes are uncannily similar: One particular scene is literally a copy, but a poor attempt:
In Dead Poet's Society John Keating [Robin Williams] is sitting with professors having food [Amir in the staffroom where teachers are, guess what? having food] and questions are raised about his unconventional teaching methods. Amir says "Hail Hitler"!
In the DPS scene, a character named McAllister says to him that students must be dealt with strictly, while Keating then masterfully puts his point across:
McAllister: "Show me the heart unfettered by foolish dreams and I'll show you a happy man."
John Keating: "But only in their dreams can men be truly free. 'Twas always thus, and always thus will be."
McAllister: Tennyson?
John Keating: No, Keating.
No, I am not bashing TZP, it is a nice movie. But i really don't agree with all the people calling it Oscar worthy and all. It's a genre thats been done before in Hollywood and in India too. A nice movie, but not a great movie. No offense to Amir Khan!
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1 year ago