The following post has nothing in common with Jimi Hendrix's song "All along the watchtower"! If that doesn't dissuade you from reading on, then read on...
If you have ever read an authentic book on war, then you'll know that in WWII and until the 71 war, the basic combat used to be soldier to soldier, man to man, bayonet to bayonet. But if you have read about such stuff, then you'll also know that whenever an enemy trench is attacked, the attacking army has to make a run-for-it to the enemy trench lines. During the course of which they are open to enemy fire. Also, as unbelievable as it may sound, it is the man who runs the fastest and straightest, who reaches the trench safely, at times, completely untouched by the hundreds of random bullets that are fired.
So what does this have to do with anything? Well, its an interesting comparison to an end sem examination. And i mean, the examination, as in, the time that students start writing the paper. How so? Well its simple, before the paper begins, everybody knows that the task is difficult, for some, it is impossible; the others however are busy planning their course of action.
The paper starts... everyone starts running, gun in hand... students start writing stuff with a pen in hand.
Case 1: A very difficult paper, with question that have never been seen before... enemy trenches well planned, bullets coming from directions that weren't accounted for in the plan.
Good students stick to the task and start writing... Determined soldiers keep their heads down and start running.
Unprepared students start reading other questions and realise that its of no use, they submit their answer sheets and leave... The weak hearted soldier is the first to go down after just one bullet.
Mid-way students put on their thinking caps and start writing semi-correct answers... The determind but unskilled soldier gets a bullet wound, staggers but carries on.
Basic point is that every exam can be viewed as a battle and we're all soldiers and its those who were vigilant on the watchtower all sem, who have a better and at times glorious time when the results are out, and the others just bite the bullet first and then bite the dust!!!
P.S. If you're wondering what kind of a whacko post this one is... then i wont blame you cause after writing it even i dont know what weird brain-wave caused me to type the whole damn thing, but if it is any consolation then let me tell you this tit-bit of a fact, that, the song All Along the watch tower was created by the greatest guitarist ever Jimi Hendrix and the song is listed as the #5 Best guitar Solo in History!!!
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